Air Stylus Marker
Air Stylus Markermenu
~Standard Products~
~General Marking Tool~
~Special-Purpose Machine~
Air Stylus Marker (Special-Purpose Machine)
Dot Marking
on Car Engine
of passenger cars
- Flexible operation
Scribing Type for
Generic Engine
- Silent machine, and clear from bur and powder dust
Dot Marking
on Gabana Sleeve
- Easy marking on the circumference of workpiece
3-Head Air Stylus Type
Truck Engine
Marking Machine
- Available to set the marking position freely by 3 marking heads + robots
Dot Marking
on Drive Pinion
- Available to mark on hard workpiece after heat treatment
Scribing Type
for Billet of Ship
- Marking deeply by scribing stylus
Dot Marking Machine
for Charpy Impact Test Piece
- Easy operation by software
Dot Marking
on Tension Test Piece
- Easy operation and inexpensive equipment with store-bough vise
Air Stylus Marking Machine for Sand Mold (Core)
- Marking deeply without breaking sand mold
Air Stylus Marking Machine or Sand Mold
Automatic Feeding System Label Marking Machine
- Replace some kind of labels, and carry in and out